Logic-Based Therapy: Philosophy, Emotional Reasoning & PTSD

Because of its focus on identifying and correcting a patients’ emotional reasoning (as opposed to identifying the causes of emotions), Logic-Based Therapy offers an incredibly valuable way to navigate our emotional terrain. Knowing what we believe, whether or not our beliefs are epistemically justified, and how to correct them when they are not…is HUGE! And this applies not only to everyday challenges that we face but also some of the more extraordinary ones, such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This article explores the implications of a logic-based approach relative to PTSD.

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2016 Grief, Loss & Heartbreak Workshop

Our Grief, Loss & Heartbreak Workshop took place on Saturday, December 10th at the Reeder’s Alley Interpretive & Convention Center.  A unique 1-day gathering that incorporated elements of philosophy, psychology, yoga/stretching, mindfulness meditation, readings & poetry, the workshop served as an opportunity for individuals to navigate the grieving process in…

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Can Stoicism Help Tame Frustration?

Frustration is not a foreign concept.  We have all experienced it — some more than others and for a variety of reasons.  But does this mean that frustration is an inevitability?   According to Albert Ellis — founder of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy — the answer is no. While…

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Practical Guidelines for Empathy

Think empathy is overrated?  Think again!  Empathy is crucial to our and others’ well-being in countless ways.  In this article, Dr. Elliot D. Cohen, one of the principal founders of philosophical counseling in the United States & Executive Director of the National Philosophical Counseling Association, helps to clarify the nature…

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How Philosophy Can Help Us Grieve

Merlin MCC | Grief Image | Scholarly Articles

Navigating the Wake(s) of Loss: How Philosophy Can Help Us Grieve Marisa Diaz-Waian, International Journal of Applied Philosophy 28:1 (2014): 19-48. ABSTRACT: How might approaching loss philosophically help us grieve? What does it mean to approach something philosophically? Why might such an approach be advantageous to studies of grief? In…

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Does Philosophy Have a Place in Slow Medicine?

Merlin MCC | Scholarly Articles | General

Does Philosophy Have a Place in Slow Medicine? Marisa Diaz-Waian, Authored & Presented at the 2014 American Philosophical Association (Eastern Division Conference), National Philosophical Counseling Association Meeting. ABSTRACT:  If one were to tour a museum showcasing images of how we (as a modern culture in the U.S.) tend to the…

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