Tag: ancient philosophy
Philosophy Walk
Please join us for this philosophy as a way of life-inspired walk on Saturday, September 14th from 10am-1pm where we’ll be exploring “virtue & ethics: from ecology to ethics.” Special guest speaker/philosopher-on-trail — David Nowakowski, PhD. To learn more & sign-up for our free meandering, visit our philosophy walks page.
Philosophy Walk
Please join us for this philosophy as a way of life-inspired walk on Sunday, July 14th from 9am-12pm where we’ll be exploring ethics, “the life of virtue” and hope. Meeting/Hike Location: Dump Gulch/McKelvey Trailhead (just past the Lime Kilns on Grizzly Gulch Drive). Special guest scholar/philosopher-on-trail — David Nowakowski. This…
Ancient Greek Insights for Today’s America: A Philosophical Conversation
Sponsored by the Carroll College Philosophy Department and Merlin CCC, this evening program will be an informal conversation about greek philosophical insights and how they relate to can help us navigate our everyday lived experiences. Guest participants will be provided with set questions/topics, not as a debate, but rather as an illuminating conversation. Barry Ferst (Professor of Philosophy, Carroll College) will be serving as the moderator and will aide in directing discussion.
Can Stoicism Help Tame Frustration?
Frustration is not a foreign concept. We have all experienced it — some more than others and for a variety of reasons. But does this mean that frustration is an inevitability? According to Albert Ellis — founder of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy — the answer is no. While…
The Modernity of Aristotle’s Political Philosophy
Think that the political philosophy of Aristotle is out-dated? Think again. In this article, Matt Qvortrup — Professor of Political Science at Coventry University — explores the surprising modernity of Aristotle’s works & its relevance to current day politics. When thinking about government, for example, consider Aristotle’s claim in The…
A History of Western Philosophy Chart
This awesome chart from superscholar.org provides an abbreviated, easy to follow, and informative overview of the general flow of thought in Western Philosophy. Although missing several influential scholars, it does a great job at capturing the nuts-and-bolts of things and is very well thought-out. We hope you enjoy this visual…