We had a great time on our first Missoula county Philosophy Walk! Big thank you’s to the 9 Mile Community, Steve King, and Deborah Slicer and to the numerous community members, visitors from out of state (The Kramer clan!), and University of Montana students who came out to participate in the fun! Thank you also to Mother Nature for providing such a beautiful setting for our meandering. Led by 2019 Merlin Student Scholar Fellow & Philosopher, Henry Kramer, and Grants Manager & Humanitarian, Ryan Aikin, on this walk (a “spin-off” of our August Helena Philosophy Walk) we explored the importance of “reconnecting with nature” through the lens of phenomenology and animism. Access resources & photos here!
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We were blown away by how amazing our August Philosophy Walk was…beautiful weather, wonderful people, great questions, and thought-provoking discussion led by 2019 Merlin Student Fellow & Philosopher, Henry Kramer, and Grants Manager & Humanitarian, Ryan Aikin. Our group of 17 — including 3 delightful young philosophers who joined us for the journey — enjoyed a lovely hike on the Waterline & Rodney Ridge Trails and explored “reconnecting with nature” through the lens of phenomenology, pragmatism, and animism. Access resources & photos here!
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Please join us for our evening philosophy walk on Sunday, August 4th from 5:30pm-8:30pm. Topic: Reconnecting with Nature. Special guest speakers/philosophers-on-trail — Ryan Aikin (Volunteer & Strategist, Merlin CCC, Grants Manager, Youth Homes & Humanitarian) & Henry Kramer (2019 Merlin Student Fellow & Philosopher, University of Montana Missoula). This walk will…
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In this paper, Henry Kramer, explores the human-technology relationship and argues that “our perception of mass-produced things, a perception unique to and only possible within technological culture, dulls our senses and de-emphasizes the basic materiality of all things, thereby discouraging connection and engagement with the more-than-human world.” An iteration of this paper was presented at the 16th Annual Gonzaga Graduate Philosophy Conference and received the Hutchins Award in Philosophy for best paper in the conference. It is featured here on our website by permission of the author. Read more here!
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Please join us for our mid-morning philosophy walk on Saturday, August 3rd from 9am-12pm. Topic: Reconnecting with Nature. Special guest speakers/philosophers-on-trail — Ryan Aikin (Grants Manager, Youth Homes & Humanitarian) & Henry Kramer (2019 Merlin Student Fellow & Philosopher, University of Montana Missoula). This walk will be a casual, free-flowing conversation about…
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Please join us for a special hayride-philosophy walk on Sunday, October 13th from 10am-1pm where we’ll be exploring the role of story and imagination across cultures & how these can help us reconnect with nature. Special guest speakers/philosophers-on-trail — Shane M. Doyle (Independent Educational & Cultural Consultant, Native Nexus Consulting) &…
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This awesome chart from superscholar.org provides an abbreviated, easy to follow, and informative overview of the general flow of thought in Western Philosophy. Although missing several influential scholars, it does a great job at capturing the nuts-and-bolts of things and is very well thought-out. We hope you enjoy this visual…
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