Bringing Existentialism Home

Existentialism is a term that was explicitly adopted by Jean-Paul Sartre to refer to his philosophical work, but became identified with a larger cultural & philosophical movement that flourished in Europe in mid-20th century.  As an interesting sidebar, there are also some 19th philosophers who are referred to as existentialists,…

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Philosophy Symposium: Vulnerable Humanity, Predictable Machines

“Vulnerable Humanity, Predictable Machines” is an evening symposium that looks at the less emphasized properties of the human spirit in relation to technology and technological advances. Co-Directed/Hosted by Marisa Diaz-Waian, M.A. (Founder & Executive Director, Merlin CCC), Tim Holmes, M.F.A. (Local & Internationally-Renowned Artist) & Dr. Barry Ferst, Ph.D. (Professor…

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The Modernity of Aristotle’s Political Philosophy

Think that the political philosophy of Aristotle is out-dated?  Think again.  In this article, Matt Qvortrup — Professor of Political Science at Coventry University — explores the surprising modernity of Aristotle’s works & its relevance to current day politics.   When thinking about government, for example, consider Aristotle’s claim in The…

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2016 Think on the Links Philosophy Classic Charity Golf Tournament

Our inaugural Fall fundraiser — The Think on the Links Philosophy Classic — was a blast! Not only did we have perfect weather, we had an amazing group of people playing in the tourney & an incredible group of sponsors!  Our theme for the 2016 tourney was Hawaiian…and for those…

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Merlin & Mindful Montana Collaborate to Offer Philosophy and Mindfulness to the Helena Community

We are elated to welcome Justin Whitaker, Philosophical Advisor & Mindfulness Practitioner for Merlin CCC and founder of Mindful Montana, to the Merlin team and excited to be collaborating on several philosophical adventures together, including mindfulness & philosophy workshops, mindfulness retreats, and one-on-one & private group mindfulness/meditation classes.

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A Crash Course on ‘What Is Philosophy?’

At our Beat the Heat Philosophy Party in August, one of our presentations explored what philosophy is, what it isn’t, and why we should care.  This fun video from the Crash Course series provides some additional insight about the matter, including a brief history of philosophy (primarily from a western…

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