Philosophy Symposium: “Vulnerable Humanity, Predictable Machines” (Part 3)

Co-Directed/Hosted by Marisa Diaz-Waian, M.A. (Founder & Executive Director, Merlin CCC),  Tim Holmes, M.F.A. (Local & Internationally-Renowned Artist), Pastor Russ Danaher (Pastor & ADA Coordinator, Montana Department of Corrections), and Ross Peter Nelson, M.F.A. (Playwright & Software Engineer) this interactive Q & A-style symposium is part 3 (of a 3-part…

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Philosophy Symposium: “Vulnerable Humanity, Predictable Machines” (Part 2)

Co-Directed/Hosted by Marisa Diaz-Waian, M.A. (Founder & Executive Director, Merlin CCC),  Tim Holmes, M.F.A. (Local & Internationally-Renowned Artist), and Pastor Russ Danaher (Pastor and ADA Coordinator, Montana Department of Corrections) this interactive Q & A-style symposium is part 2 (or a 3-part series) on the human-technology relationship and features a…

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Philosophy Symposium: Vulnerable Humanity, Predictable Machines

“Vulnerable Humanity, Predictable Machines” is an evening symposium that looks at the less emphasized properties of the human spirit in relation to technology and technological advances. Co-Directed/Hosted by Marisa Diaz-Waian, M.A. (Founder & Executive Director, Merlin CCC), Tim Holmes, M.F.A. (Local & Internationally-Renowned Artist) & Dr. Barry Ferst, Ph.D. (Professor…

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Empathy v. Sympathy

Merlin | Empathy v. Sympathy

On a recent ‘Little Philosopher’s Walk’, one of our fun ‘Merlin Meanderings’ that we held here at Merlin Nature Preserve, we discussed & explored the importance and value of imagination.  In the course of our conversation, the work of Dr. Brené Brown, Research Professor at the University of Houston Graduate…

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