May 2017 Philosophy Think & Drink

This month we convened at our normal Think & drink spot….the wine vault room at The SapphireWe had a great crew and talked about a host of things, including:

  • Perception
  • Knowledge
  • Benign negligence & curiosity
  • The self — does it really exist (emergent or the other way around…or not at all?)
  • A glass — does it really exist (I don’t know…but I do see that its in need of a refill)
  • Kittens (that’s right, kittens!)
  • And much, much more…

Thank you to Jemma Z Hazen, Ross Peter Nelson, Sarah Elkins, Bob Schmitt, Michael Chapman, Thomas Baumeister, David Spencer, Brian Coplin for the delightful & stimulating conversation. Looking forward to our next gathering! 

Thank you to P.L.A.T.O. (Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization) for helping to support our philosophy in the community programs and making gatherings like these possible!

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