Philosophy Workshop: “Knowing as Practice”

Philosophers sometimes treat knowledge as something we have when we’re seated comfortably in a proverbial or literal armchair. Yet at the very least, this seems to leave out a significant aspect of our humanity: the fact that we are embodied creatures, who actively and dynamically interact with the things that we think about and know. In this workshop led by philosophers Hila Tzipora Chase & David Nowakowski, we’ll look directly at ways of experiencing, of encountering, and of knowing that involve the full, embodied human being.

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Philosophy Workshop: “Talking About Stoicism”

In this workshop we’ll explore the philosophical & historical roots of Stoic philosophy, some of its central theses, its modern revival, and how it manifests as philosophy as a way of life. Along the way may look at a few texts & do some exercises…but mostly we’ll learn together through conversation with guest philosopher Rob Colter. Learn more and register for this Zoom workshop here!

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Philosophy Workshop Series: “What is Philosophy?” (Making Sense of the World)

In this workshop we explored a variety of viewpoints and questions surrounding knowledge, explanation, and how we make sense of the world. Access resources and reading recommendations here!

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