Reading & Discussion Series: Exploring the Republic

Reeder's Alley Interpretive & Convention Center 101 Reeder's Alley, Helena, MT, United States

Why is it worthwhile to act justly, even if we could “get away” with injustice?  Doesn’t the successful thief or tyrant have a life that’s attractive and enviable? How does the kind of society that we live in shape our character, values, and attitudes as individuals?  Is it even possible to be a healthy person, in a society that’s profoundingly sick and unbalanced? Over the winter and early spring, we’ll be exploring these and other main themes from Plato’s Republic.  For 5 every-other-Wednesday sessions, we’ll balance our time and attention between close reading of Plato’s text, and considering the implications of Plato’s arguments for our own lives and times. Learn more & RSVP here!

Philosophy Walk: On Regret

We’ve all had the experience of regretting a choice, an action, or a missed opportunity. Most of us have done things that we knew we’d regret, but we did them anyway. In this philosophy walk, we’ll be doing some conceptual analysis of the notion of regret. We'll consider questions like: What do we mean by “regret”? Is it more of a judgment or intellectual activity, or is it more of an emotion, feeling, or passion? What's the role of regret in human life? And more. We'll draw from ancient thinkers like Aristotle and Seneca, and from some luminaries of English literature like Chaucer and Shakespeare and more! Learn more & RSVP here!


Philosophy Walk: On Travel

According to urban legend, some famous novelist (maybe Tolstoy or Dostoyevski?) once quipped that there are only two stories: “A stranger comes to town” and “Someone goes on a journey.” Regardless of who first said it, there’s something to the notion that travelling is essential, both to the ways we live, and to the stories we tell to help make sense of those lives. In this walk, we’ll explore some of the ways that travel can be a space of encounter, transformation, and meaning. Learn more & RSVP here!

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