Philosophy Walk

Please join us on Sunday, June 10th from 9:30am – 11:30am for a jaunt down memory lane!  Meeting Location: The gazebo in Reeder's Alley across from the Merlin office located at 119 Reeder's Alley.  Special guest speaker, historian, artist & self-proclaimed urban-design geek, Dennis McCahon, will discuss the history of…


Philosophy Walk

Constitution Park 301 N. Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT, United States

"Knowing thyself" is an important part of philosophy. And knowing thy city can tell us a lot about who we are, what sorts of things we value, and how we experience our daily lives. That's what this walk is all about! Please join us for our special "KNOW THY CITY"…


Philosophy Drive-In: Sense of Place (Short Films)

Reeder's Alley Interpretive & Convention Center 101 Reeder's Alley, Helena, MT, United States

Part of our ongoing “Thinking About Place” project, this philosophy drive-in gathering will explore “sense of place” through a series short films & a podcast storytelling. Afterward, we’ll talk as a group about what things stood out as “ingredients” of place & how these track with our own perceptions & experiences. RSVP here!

Community Workshop: “Thinking About Place”

Reeder's Alley Interpretive & Convention Center 101 Reeder's Alley, Helena, MT, United States

Gertrude Stein’s “there is no there there” has been used as a description for placeless spaces. But what exactly is “place”? There are lots of ways to think about it. In this workshop led by Dennis McCahon we’ll be thinking about “place” in terms of our urban outdoors. When we get that Helena “sense of place” out there, what’s going on? What are we sensing? Is it urban design — deliberate “place-making” on somebody’s part? Is it a lucky accident? Something else? If it’s a mix of those, what’s the ratio? When can urban design be called “place-making” at all? This is an unruly bunch of questions. Unruly questions, though, can be fun, and even if they don’t lead to a hard-set definition, they can, in the case of Helena’s urban outdoors, lead to something useful — a shared, or at least better clarified and articulated vision and use of a Helena-specific, vocabulary and frame of reference — a basis, maybe, for practical understanding. Learn more, download the preparatory material & RSVP here!

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