
2024 Reeder’s Alley Summer Series Highlights

2024 Reeder’s Alley Summer Series Reeder’s Alley Summer Series Highlights 2024 marked the inaugural year for our live music & community-oriented summer series in historic Reeder’s Alley. Check out some of the highlights below. Our 2024 Musicians Thank you to all of our amazing musicians and songwriters for putting on such fantastic shows for the…

Philosophy Workshop: What is Virtue?

Philosophy Workshop: What is Virtue?

Philosophy Workshop What is Virtue? (More than Just Ethics!) with Community Philosopher David Nowakowski Workshop description & what we explored The notion of virtue holds a central place in classical theories of what it means to live a good life.  Indeed, the Greek term for virtue, aretē, simply means “excellence,” and who would seriously want to…


Art as Transformation: A Public Philosophy Project

2025-2026 public philosophy program ART AS TRANSFORMATION An interactive public philosophy program that explores the relationship between art, social commentary, human flourishing, and change. PROGRAM SYNOPSIS An innovative public philosophy program exploring the role of art in society & our everyday lives. Featuring a unique blend of live music, story, performance & media art, and…

On Travel

On Travel

Philosophy Walk On Travel with community philosopher David Nowakowski Walk description & what we explored According to urban legend, some famous novelist (maybe Tolstoy or Dostoyevski?) once quipped that there are only two stories: “A stranger comes to town” and “Someone goes on a journey.” Regardless of who first said it, there’s something to the notion…

On Courage

On Courage

Philosophy Walk On Courage with community philosopher David Nowakowski Walk description & what we explored Most of us are inclined to praise courage in a variety of contexts, from soldiers and first responders going boldly into danger of death; to the moral courage of speaking out, at great personal cost, in the face of social…