Philosophy Walk: Conversations with the World

Spring Meadow Lake 2715 Country Club Drive, Helena, United States

Quite often, discussions of ethics circle around lists of rules to follow. What happens if we take a different approach altogether, and think of our ethical lives as a series of conversations with the world, with the communities we inhabit, and with our neighbors? In this evening’s walk and discussion, we’ll reflect on what it would mean to focus our ethical lives around dialogue, relationship, and conversation. Learn more & RSVP here!


Philosophy Walk: On Travel

Spring Meadow Lake 2715 Country Club Drive, Helena, United States

According to urban legend, some famous novelist (maybe Tolstoy or Dostoyevski?) once quipped that there are only two stories: “A stranger comes to town” and “Someone goes on a journey.” Regardless of who first said it, there’s something to the notion that travelling is essential, both to the ways we live, and to the stories we tell to help make sense of those lives. In this walk, we’ll explore some of the ways that travel can be a space of encounter, transformation, and meaning. Learn more & RSVP here!


Philosophy Walk: Re-Indigenizing Public Lands (Registration Full)

Ten Mile Creek Park 1505 Williams St., Helena, MT

In this walk led by Dr. Shane Doyle (Apsáalooke nation) we’ll reflect on the significance of public lands as both the nexus point & the dividing line between ancient ways of life and the post-colonial world. Learn more & RSVP here!
