Merlin Receives $3,000 Grant from PLATO for their 2019-2020 Philosophy in the Community Program(s)

Wow!  What an honor! We cannot express enough how much we love the Philosophy Learning & Teaching organization! For the 3rd year in a row, PLATO is awarding our organization a grant for our Philosophy in the Community program…and this year in the amount of $3,000. We are honored to have been selected by this amazing organization for three years in a row and are looking forward to providing the Helena & surrounding communities with a host of unique, fun & accessible opportunities to do “get their hands dirty with philosophy!”  Thank you so much, PLATO.

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August 2018 Philosophy Read-In

Our August Philosophy Read-In was so much fun! We read two stories by Byrd baylor and enjoyed wonderful conversation. View pictures, a synopses of the stories, and some of the things we talked about here!

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May 2018 Philosophy Read-In

Our May Philosophy Read-In was so very special! Much like our maiden philosophy walk in October of 2015 (which consisted of a small but mighty crew), we were honored to have embarked on our maiden philosophy read-in voyage with a wonderfully insightful and kind young lad, named Thomas, and his mother, Janet.

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Merlin Receives $7,000 Grant from PLATO for their 2018-2019 Philosophy in the Community Program(s)

We are ALIVE WITH JOY! Rainbows and butterflies abound! We just received word that for the 2nd year in a row, PLATO is awarding our organization a grant for our Philosophy in the Community programs….and this year in the amount of $7,000! We are honored to have been selected by such a prestigious organization and are looking forward to providing the Helena & surrounding communities with unique, fun & accessible opportunities to do, breathe & live philosophy! Thank you so much, PLATO!

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