We had a great time at our January Think & Drink! Our group talked about symbols and parasites. You, you heard right! Check out some of the questions and ideas that came up in the process!
We had a great time at our December Think & Drink! Our group explored the good ol’ is-ought conundrum. Check out some of the questions and ideas that came up in the process here!
Our November Think & Drink was lovely! Our group explored the relationship between emotions and morality. Check out some of the questions and ideas that came up in the process here!
Our October Think & Drink was great fun! We started with play, moved to responsibilities & obligations, and then onto a discussion about morality. Check out details here!
This month’s Think & Drink — facilitated by 2019 Merlin Student Scholar Fellow, Henry Kramer — was chock-full of inquiry, tasty grog, and great discussion. Check out what sorts of things we explored & access resources here!
A small but mighty group, this month’s Philosophy Think & Drink discussion revolved around social justice. Check out photos & some of the questions we explored along the way!
What a wonderful & kind group of thinkers at our first Missoula gathering! Thank you so much, everyone, for spending your evening with us and contributing such thoughtful insights and questions. Check out photos & some of the things we explored here.
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Things to Consider
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Community Hubs
Want to help bring a new program to the Helena & Mountain West communities? Our Community Hubs project is an innovative vision for public humanities that re-centers community as a place of learning.Learn more about our vision & how you can help support it here!
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The Value of Philosophy
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(or what it doesn't) and how it can help you find your way?