Tag: art of thinking
Philosophy Workshop: “Death & Meanings of Life”
Philosophy Workshop Series: “What is Philosophy?” (Making Sense of the World)
Philosophy Workshop Series: “What is Philosophy?” (Responding to the World)
In this workshop we’ll explore how have philosophers (over the millennia, in various corners of the globe) approached the problems of ethics, and what kinds of answers they’ve proposed. By focusing in this way, we’ll expand our sense of just how rich and varied philosophical approaches to ethics can be. Learn more and register for this Zoom workshop here!
Philosophy Workshop Series: “What is Philosophy?” (The Basics)
To celebrate the new year, we’ll kick off our 2021 workshop series by going back to the beginning. What is philosophy? What does it involve, what does it do, and why should we care? For this first workshop, we’ll survey several approaches to the question, “What is philosophy?”, each of which will raise its own further questions for reflection and discussion. We’ll also take a quick tour of the major areas or divisions of philosophy, as they developed in Greece, India, and elsewhere, which will lay the groundwork for more detailed study of each of them, in the remaining parts of this workshop series, and beyond. Learn more and register for this Zoom workshop here!
Philosophy as a Way of Life: Reviving the Art of Thinking & Living Well
Philosophy as a way of life has begun to re-emerge, thanks to the efforts of countless individuals — within and outside of formal academia — who have held tight to the belief that philosophy is and can be a guide to living well (in all that that entails). The NEH “Reviving Philosophy as a Way of Life” Summer Institute — led by Professors Meghan Sullivan, Steve Angle & Stephen Grimm and attended by a diverse group of scholars (of which we were lucky enough to be a part!) — is a vibrant example of a movement to re-align the seating arrangements (no more back seat for you practical side of philosophy!) and revive philosophy as the art of thinking and living well. To have been selected to participate in the National Endowment for Humanities Summer Institute was a tremendous honor! We are grateful for the amazing opportunity and to everyone in the PWOL/Stoa family!