Downtown Helena’s First Fridays — Friendship & Love

Friendship & Love_1In July, we teamed up with Paula — local Helena business owner of Aizada Imports — and Martin — of Martin’s Wines — to explore the topic of friendship & love during Helena’s First Friday eve on the downtown walking mall!

In addition, to providing some food for thought about friendship & love for passer-byer’s (via a collection of quotes from various philosophers & thinkers) and wine recommendations (paired with various aspects of friendship & love and prepared by Martin), we conducted a survey. Below are the results of this survey & thoughts about friendship and love from individuals who participated.

Questions Posed

The following questions were included on our community survey:

  1. The most important quality in friendship is…
  2. The most important quality in (romantic) love is…
  3. Can you have love without friendship?
  4. Can you have a friendship with something other than a human being (e.g., a cat, a tree, ideas)?

We also included a couple of essay-style questions. Example questions included:

  1. Think of a friendship in your past or present. Pick a moment that stands out. What makes that event memorable for you?
  2. Is there anything about friendship or love not mentioned here that you would like to mention?

View the friendship & love survey provided to participants, the friendship & love wine recommendations, and the collection of quotes on friendship & love here!

Community Response Highlights

Below are some highlights of community member responses regarding Friendship & Love.

The most important quality in love is…

The top responses:

  • Honesty & Trustworthiness

The second most popular responses:

  • Intelligence (Intellectual/Emotional) & Compassion

The third most popular responses:

  • Flexibility/Adaptability

The fourth most popular responses:

  • Loyalty; Humor; Adventurous; Reliable/Steadfast; Humility

The fifth most popular responses:

  • Generosity & Creativity/Imaginative
The most important quality in (romantic) love is…

The top response:

  • The same as in friendship plus a baseline physical attraction

Between honesty & trustworthiness, trustworthiness ranked higher.


Between intelligence & compassion, compassion ranked higher.


Between loyalty, humor, adventurous, reliable/steadfast, and humility – loyalty, reliable/steadfast & humility ranked highest.


Between generosity and creative/imaginative, generosity ranked highest.

Can you have love without friendship?

The top responses:

  • Yes & Yes, but only when it comes to family
Can you have a friendship with something other than a human being (e.g., a cat, a tree, ideas)?

The top responses:

  • Yes & Yes, but the nature of that friendship would be different
Think of a friendship in our past or present. Pick a moment that stands out. What makes that event memorable for you?

A long-distance friendship kept us from communicating often — but we’d been roommates for a year of graduate school and we’d vacationed together for a few years after that, so we had a durable connection. When she experienced a series of losses (brother, mother, colleague), she sent a long, long letter…I felt so honored and we re-connected with compassion and love. We now live nearer (5 hours) and visit several times a year – Helena Community Member


My dear friend of nearly 40 years was living across the country and a week after I gave birth to my daughter (I had no mother or mother-in-law to help me) she showed up at my house, unannounced, and spent a week with me. I’ll never forget opening my front door and seeing her standing there – Helena Community Member


I came from a rural, religious, close-minded, conservative upbringing. The first time I told a friend I was an atheist here in Helena, they responded non-judgmentally and nothing about our friendship changed. I was anxious that I would be looked at differently, but I wasn’t. That was a powerful moment of friendship for me – Helena Community Member

Is there anything about friendship or love not mentioned here that you would like to mention?

Knowing & loving without words – Helena Community Member


Loving someone exactly as they are – Helena Community Member


There are qualities of soul connection that are difficult to articulate and often result in seemingly odd relationships — sometimes deeper forces attract people to each other and those defy explanation – Helena Community Member


Robert Heinlein said something like “Love is when the well-being of another is crucial to your own” – Helena Community Member


Friendship takes many forms and varies from individual to individual – Helena Community Member

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