Our Philosophical Counseling Rates

Flora on MNPOur philosophical counseling services are offered on a sliding-scale basis with the needs of individuals in mind. We will work with you in the ways that you need so that we can help you find your way with philosophy! Our fee structure is provided below.  Greater detail about the specific sorts of services we offer can be found by visiting our philosophical counseling page.

Forms of Payment

We accept cash, check or charge.  We are not set-up to accept insurance.  Payments can be made on-line or in-person & payment schedules (i.e., graduated payment plans) are available if needed.  We also offer sliding scale rates to those who qualify.


Fees for Services

We offer hourly rates, session flat rates, and monthly flat rates for our philosophical counseling services.  Payments are typically made at the close of each service (for hourly & session plans), but can be made bi-monthly or monthly, if needed.  Clients who opt for monthly plans are invoiced monthly. To learn more, please click on the link below:

Sliding Scale

We offer sliding scale rates for our philosophical counseling services to individuals/families that qualify.  The procedure for determining need includes the review of a basic intake form completed by the individual/family & consideration of his/her/their income (as well as extenuating circumstances).  Basic qualifying information is provided below.

  • Gross Incomes over 2x the federal poverty line = Full Market Rate.
  • Gross Incomes 1-1.5x the federal poverty line = ½ Rate
  • Gross Incomes 1.5x-2x the federal poverty line = ¾ Rate
  • Gross Incomes below the federal poverty line = Eligible to receive free care/services.

Determination of Need

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Poverty Guidelines serves as our primary referent for determining need for individuals/families (in addition to consideration of extenuating circumstances & other relevant factors). 








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