Hayride-Philosophy Walk

Merlin Nature Preserve 6042 Lincoln Road West, Helena, MT, United States

Please join us for a special hayride-philosophy walk on Sunday, October 13th from 10am-1pm where we’ll be exploring the role of story and imagination across cultures & how these can help us reconnect with nature.  Special guest speakers/philosophers-on-trail -- Shane M. Doyle (Independent Educational & Cultural Consultant, Native Nexus Consulting) &…


Philosophy Workshop: “Myth in Philosophy”

Reeder's Alley Interpretive & Convention Center 101 Reeder's Alley, Helena, MT, United States

This workshop will explore the role of myth within philosophy, the life dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom. What kinds of myths are there? (We'll consider specific examples of myths: both the traditional Greek myths which Plato and his tradition examined, and myths from other times and places). When & how can myths be used effectively and appropriately? What does it mean to engage with myth in a specifically philosophical mode? How do mythic modes of understanding enrich, complement, or complete other ways of thinking and knowing, like the logical or analytical? Learn more & RSVP here.

Workshop Series: Reading Myths Philosophically

Reeder's Alley Interpretive & Convention Center 101 Reeder's Alley, Helena, MT, United States

Myths—inspired stories which relate “things which never happened at any particular time, but which always are,” in one ancient author’s memorable phrase—have played an important role in wisdom traditions around the world. But the role of myth is often woefully misunderstood in our contemporary society, where myths are seen as mere fiction, falsehood, or silly stories that “other people” tell who are “too ignorant to do science,” the way “we” do. In this two-part series, we’ll try to recover a richer, more robust understanding of myth, with the help of some Platonist philosophers of the 3rd-5th centuries, who defended and explained mythic modes of knowing for an age, much like ours, in which elite opinion scorned traditional myths. Learn more & RSVP here.

Workshop Series: Reading Myths Philosophically (Session 2)

Reeder's Alley Interpretive & Convention Center 101 Reeder's Alley, Helena, MT, United States

Myths—inspired stories which relate “things which never happened at any particular time, but which always are,” in one ancient author’s memorable phrase—have played an important role in wisdom traditions around the world. But the role of myth is often woefully misunderstood in our contemporary society, where myths are seen as mere fiction, falsehood, or silly stories that “other people” tell who are “too ignorant to do science,” the way “we” do. In this two-part series, we’ll try to recover a richer, more robust understanding of myth, with the help of some Platonist philosophers of the 3rd-5th centuries, who defended and explained mythic modes of knowing for an age, much like ours, in which elite opinion scorned traditional myths. Learn more & RSVP here.

Reading & Discussion Series: Exploring the Republic

Reeder's Alley Interpretive & Convention Center 101 Reeder's Alley, Helena, MT, United States

Why is it worthwhile to act justly, even if we could “get away” with injustice?  Doesn’t the successful thief or tyrant have a life that’s attractive and enviable? How does the kind of society that we live in shape our character, values, and attitudes as individuals?  Is it even possible to be a healthy person, in a society that’s profoundingly sick and unbalanced? Over the winter and early spring, we’ll be exploring these and other main themes from Plato’s Republic.  For 5 every-other-Wednesday sessions, we’ll balance our time and attention between close reading of Plato’s text, and considering the implications of Plato’s arguments for our own lives and times. Learn more & RSVP here!

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